Monday, June 30, 2008

I Cannot Make This Stuff Up

I first caught this bit of stupidity in the Arkansas Times. Those wing-nuts out at the American Family Council have software that automatically substitutes the word "homosexual" for the word "gay" when they repeat stories from the wires on their website.

This produced a ridiculous but completely hilarious result when they reported about Arkansas's Tyson Gay winning the Olympic Trials. Don't believe me? Check the article ran by gay sports blog Outpost which you can find here: Or you can check out the Arkansas Times blog at and go to the Arkansas Blog.

Just when you think you have seen it all......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a dude who has had to put up with these Morons calling and writing for the past several years, I have NO illusions about the depth of stupidity of which they are capable.
These are the boneheads that call and write/email local TV stations when prompted by email to protest gay/drug/nude/sex/rap/issues in our programming.
Most of the time, BEFORE the programming airs, BEFORE they have seen it, BEFORE anything actually happens!
The only answer to this is "Well, if you don't like it, you sure better not watch!"
I suffer and wrestle these fools daily...
TV Dave
Oiled and ready to rumble