Monday, October 13, 2008

I Got A Nikon Camera. I Love To Take Photographs.

I took pictures once again for this year's Race for the Cure last Saturday. I was heading across the Broadway Bridge before the start when I ran across a crazy person shadowboxing as he shuffled sideways into North Little Rock.
Here he is. I hope he didn't get trampled.


Melissa said...

Woah I walked right past you! And how did you not fall down on that Bridge. That bridge was rocking.

tmfw said...

As Senator Craig would say, "I have a wide stance."

Anonymous said...

Now that's an image I'd rather not contemplate :-)

I have a feeling shadowbox man didn't suffer from much trampling. Had I been running across Broadway Bridge last Saturday, I'd have given him plenty of room.

Hey, post more pics for your admiring public. On Facebook maybe?

tmfw said...

I have an admiring public?

Who knew?

Check Facebook later this afternoon!

Melissa said...

Wide stance? hrmm better be careful in your choice of public restrooms then.