Sunday, December 16, 2007

Vox Populi

Today's text message concerns the events of the weekend.

tmfw: Went to a party last night. John and Amy were there.

Polycarp: How was it?

tmfw: Real nice. John brought his own whiskey that he drank from a styrophone cup.

Polycarp: Did he share?

tmfw: With me he did. He poured me some from a stash that he always keeps in the trunk of his car in case of emergency.

Polycarp: A common procedure amongst married men. It's funny how much whiskey women sell.

tmfw: Wonder how guys in AA cope under the circumstances?

Polycarp: They cope by being narcissistic assholes.

tmfw: Oh.


Polycarp said...

You've never quoted me accurately, but this is the first time I like what you quoated me as saying better than what I actually said.

tmfw said...

I never said we were doing journalism over here.