Thursday, August 16, 2007

Prisoner's Lawsuit Of The Decade

Here is quite possibly the craziest lawsuit I have ever seen out of a pro se litigant. Pro se is Latin for "I'm nuts." Lest you think we engage in hyperbole upon occasion around here, I have been sued 3 times by complete and utter fools who were representing themselves. One of 'em got to the 8th Circuit and back before the US District Judge that wound up with the final incarnation of it finally put a bullet in the case once and for all. I don't know what your conception of hell might be but litigating against somebody who sues you in Federal Court while simultaneously denying that the Court has jurisdiction over him as a Christian Freeman is right up there for me.

Anyway, this is a lawsuit brought by a vexatious litigant and federal prisoner named Jonathan Lee Riches against Barry Bonds, Commissioner of Baseball Bud Selig and-no lie- Henry Aaron's bat. I cannot possibly make this stuff up.

These nut litigants make much of coded language, capitalization and random inappropriate references to the law of secured transactions. Myself and about 3 other lawyers in the state actually understand all of this stuff. Maybe I'll explain it at a later date. Right now my hands won't stop shaking as all of these horrible memories of dealing with these idiots are rushing back.

Thanks to excellent bro Dave of the Ozarks for passing this along.


Anonymous said...

Surely he could have fit us in that suit somewhere. We're at least as guilty as the bat. And "law of secured transactions" sounds totally made up......

tmfw said...

No...seriously...typically they cite to the Uniform Commercial Code and everything. I can see I'm gonna have to 'splain this someday. Maybe when my eye quits twitching.