So I've come crawling back.
Looking back on it, what was supposed to have been about a 30 day reverie turned into about 6 months. I can't say as I missed typing these musees during my absence. And judging by the complete lack of response to same nobody else did either. Perhaps it is because as one of my big shot writer friends says "nobody reads blogs anymore." Then again, another of my big shot writer friends blogs and does a podcast in addition to his day job at the paper. He enjoys doing them even as he concedes that maybe nobody much is paying attention.
He shrugged his shoulders over his beer the other night in the restaurant. He enjoys doing them. Works for me.
I think I may take it back up if for no other reason that this gives me a way to get it off my chest for cheap. So you may see me more from time to time.
Then again, you may not. I'm like everybody else. The last 2 years have not been fun. Not that I have absolutely anything to complain about. I guess I was hoping that once the vaccine got in arms that things would get back to "normal" whatever "normal" was. If anything, the polarization that exists in this country has gotten even worse since the pandemic.
It is Independence Day weekend and we are at each other's throats. 6 months ago a sitting President attempted to overthrow an election by urging his followers to attack the Capitol building while the electoral college votes were being tallied. Most likely Donald Trump will run again if only in hopes that he will be harder to sue and prosecute while out on the stump. Inflation is through the roof. The United Methodists-my fixed theological abode- are splitting the sheets. (For those of you keeping score at home, the Deacon and I are staying put.)
What else? The SCOTUS has opened Pandora's box in a couple of three areas. BTW the gun thing? I don't even care anymore. If the Deacon starts packing maybe I will. I tend to pick fights I have a chance at winning. That ain't one of them. But shootings at schools and church picnics. Godalmighty. And don't get me started about UCLA and Southern Cal going to the Big 10 of all damn things or that there is something called a "4 out rule" in baseball.
No rest for the weary. I could go on and on. But I won't. At least not tonight.
I fear that I have become inert. You know the old "they can't hit me if they don't see me" approach to stress and confusion. Not much different than the state of Pink Floydian numbness, comfortable or otherwise. I haven't blogged or written much the last six because I have rendered myself inert.
But that is no way to live. So I shall will myself back to becoming "ert" if I may be allowed to make up a word. And I am allowed to because this is my blog. I will take up the pen again-so to speak-because I need to get it off my chest.
Happy 4th of July. Be careful out there.