Saturday, November 22, 2008

Patrik Update

This is the latest on the little boy with leukemia who needed donations of the rare blood type last week. Due to the outpouring of help from the community they are in a position to begin his chemotherapy. As it stands right now, Patrik is fine and is spending his time in the ICU playing video games. They have gotten his white count down to around zero and so will begin the chemo treatments today or tomorrow as I understand it.

Patrik will not be able to attend school for a year. So, his school is setting about getting the technology together so he can "distance learn" from the hospital and/or the home.

That is all I know. Check back here from time to time for updates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let his family know he has alot of love and support from people they don't even know. I've received three or four emails from different people who know of him and his situation looking for donors. We will be thinking of him. Thanks for giving an update.
F.D. Vice