Monday, November 05, 2007

Bet Notre Dame Can't Beat THEM Either

PM forwarded me a press release announcing that uber-weird filmmaker David Lynch was "launching" 3 new universities in Finland, Etonia and Bulgaria. These universities will "provide full enlightenment to every student and invincibility to national consciousness" through the use of transcendental meditation.

Let's see him try to set one of those up in Alabama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait a minute here. I just noticed the slur against my adopted state.

We can transcendentally meditate as well as Ralph Waldo himself.

We try, anyway.

Bring Mr. Uber-Weird on. There's a patch of land down close to that other UA in Tuscaloosa. No, wait. That land was purchased with Katrina funds and turned into condo-land for rich Tide fans.

Never mind.
