I used to enjoy getting out on Election Day to cast my vote. I liked seeing my neighbors either in the voting line with me or out on the curb waving signs. I’ve done my share of the “sign waving” thing myself.
I don’t enjoy it anymore.
My buddy Phil Martin wrote about this in his very subject in his column today in the paper. He does a lot better job of explaining this certain malaise -for lack of a better word-on our part about the electoral system in this country.
Oh we vote. I’m pretty sure Phil votes. But I vote early. That way I can do my civic duty and avoid the crowd. Voting used to be a happy event. At least it was for me.
Now it’s the civic equivalent of getting your teeth cleaned.
Too much anger. Too much suspicion. Too much bad religion. Too many lawyers. Too much money.
All in the service of selecting our elected officials, some of who have no business running, much less getting elected.
So I voted. But that’s all I’m gonna do. I’m not going to watch the returns tonight. I will turn on basketball and my remote will remain on “mute” for one more night. I’m going to put the phone on DND.
And we’ll just see what tomorrow brings.
Because I don’t enjoy it anymore.