If you are one of those paranoid types on the left, (And no this is not the exclusive provence of the right. They have just raised it to an art form. ) you may be inclined to believe that the reports of President Trump’s sickness due to the coronavirus is a ruse on his part. This is understandable up to a point. After all, he and his acolytes have lied about damn near everything else. Why would this be an exception?
Well here’s your proof that this is on the level. His twitter machine has been mostly mercifully silent the past 48 hours or so. He must be low sick. I’m surprised somebody hasn’t called for a priest.
Now before this post goes any further, let me make one thing perfectly clear. It is my sincere hope that the President and the First Lady are restored to good health swiftly and with minimal side effects. It is my firm belief that wishing sickness and death upon a political adversary is not only Un-Christian, it is Un-American.
I know that some people don’t share this belief. Indeed, I read where some of our less hinged theologian types found the hand of God in the recent passing of Justice Ginsburg. At least one preacher told his flock that it was his particular petitions to the Almighty that sealed her fate.
Of course none of this is provable. Or unprovable for that matter. Which makes it easy to say. But it doesn’t make such pronouncements any less despicable. And while this kind of magical thinking has always been with us it seems to have flourished in this the present age of Trump.
But still. I want him to get well quickly. I want him to return to the stump when he is able. Check that, I want him to return to the stump when he is willing to do so in a socially responsible fashion. Unlike the garden party to announce the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the SCOTUS during which about 10 people apparently got infected with the virus.
No. I want Donald Trump to face the voters. I want to hear him defend the wrecked economy , the racial unrest, and the high unemployment that happened on his watch. I want him to explain what appears to be a precarious situation with his personal finances. How much money he owes and who he owes it to are completely legitimate campaign issues. And I want him to defend his administration’s inept reaction to the pandemic that has claimed over 200,000 of his fellow Americans. Last week he told a rally that we had “turned the corner.” A few days later he found himself in Walter Reed felled by COVID-19.
And I want the chance to take Trumpism all the way down to the studs, along with the quack cures, crackpot preachers, the nepotism, crazy legal theories, scumbag associates and ruinous financial policies. I want Donald Trump to face the music. I want a twitter feed that is free of crazy shit coming out of the family quarters of the White House. I don’t want any more of my tax dollars going to Trump properties to house the Presidential security detail.
You get the idea.
So get well Sir. I can’t wait for you to tell us again what a great job your administration is doing with the coronavirus. Just do it from at least 10 feet away.