Friday, July 20, 2007

The Devil Wins Again

"Sin is a dangerous toy in the hands of the virtuous. It should be left to the congenitally sinful, who know when to play with it and when to let it alone."
H.L. Mencken

Thanks to Polycarp for passing along the story in his local paper about a prominent retired Baptist minister and conservative Republican lawmaker over there getting arrested for soliciting a prostitute. Evidently, she stole some checks from him during one of their assignations and forged her client's signature. The good Reverend foolishly signed a forgery affidavit to get his money back and the subsequent investigation led to one Tiffany Summers and "illegal activity."
Mencken was right. Some guys have no business fooling around with vice. They should leave crime to the criminals and sin to the sinners.

Hit the link:

Be sure to check out the pictures. The devil is the only explanation.


Anonymous said...

You never know. Perhaps he was witnessing to the lady. Six times.


tmfw said...

Some people you just can't get through to.